Deb's Diary

A place where I can post pictures of "The Girls" and keep you up to date on a Kentucky Girl, deep behind the lines in "Yankee Territory".

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Do you see a trend here??

These two pictures are of my girls at about the same age. Am I a bad parent because my kids fall asleep in their highchair while eating?? Maybe it is a sign that making sure they are nourished is so important to me that I always make sure they are adequately fed before naptime? I don't know for sure but I think it is amazing the resemblance in the two of them. Poor Sara's eyes look terrible in this picture but she is scheduled to have surgery AGAIN in December. Hopefully her eyes will be better after that.

I don't really have much else to say tonight. Hubby is gone hunting for 10 days and I am here with the girls. Bonding time. At least that is what I keep telling myself!!!!

I will post again before the holidays. Have a great week.



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