Deb's Diary

A place where I can post pictures of "The Girls" and keep you up to date on a Kentucky Girl, deep behind the lines in "Yankee Territory".

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Yeah, I know, it's 5AM.....

Well, here I am at 5 in the morning, not asleep. Sara has been getting up between 3am and 4am and will not go back to sleep for, oh lets say, about 6 weeks now. Oh, on the rare occasion she does sleep through the night, but believe me, it is rare. At first I thought it was a growing spurt. Well now I think it is just down right annoying. She must think this is quality alone time or something. WRONG!!! So, I am open to any suggestions you guys might have for me. I have already thought about drugs, but cannot bring myself to do it. I have tried to change her nap schedule, didn't work. Tried to change her feeding schedule, did not work. Do you see a pattern here?? Apparently the only thing that does any good is traveling. When we go to someone elses house she sleeps like a rock. Maybe she is just trying to make me look good. "Oh, you have such a good baby!! She sleeps so good at night." Yeah, at your house maybe. But not at mine. Maybe she is allergic to her bed? Everytime I try and lay her down in it(when she is apparently asleep mind you) she starts kicking and squirming like a manic. I am at a loss. Please send help. I will give anyone who comes up with a 'legal' solution a weeks stay at the Berger Bed and Breakfast. (That way you can get up with her!!!!!)

So, other than me living like a zombie, I am great. Keith did do a shift with her last night. What a blessing. I am so glad he does that when he can. It is hard for him, working rotating shifts. When his sleep gets interrupted like that it throws his whole sleep schedule off. (Lack of schedule would be more like it.)

The weather has been pretty nice here lately. The snow is finally all gone!! The days have been beautiful and the evenings have been cooling off somewhat. PERFECT for us. We have been sleeping with the windows open at night. I love it. I wish it would stay like this year round. But we can only have as close to perfect as we already do. We might get 140 inches of snow a year here, but the summers are usually just right. (With the exception of last summer when I was pregnant with Sara. Hottest summer on record. What luck, huh??) It is usually very warm, 80ish, during the day, and nice and balmy at night. Just enough to have an air conditioner in the bedroom.

Well, I better go. I have a load of laundry to fold. Hey, while I am up I might as well work, right?? God bless. Hope you have a great day.



At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, girl, it is so comforting to know that there's at least another person out there that isn't having a perfect time either. I feel for ya, I really do. It's not that I don't. It's just that I thought I was the only one. Now at least there's two of us.
Nothing going on here. The weather has been fairly nice. We've been trying to get the house "weeded" out so we can get it ready to sell. I hate moving. It's the one time you are faced with exactly how much JUNK you have accumulated. I'm thinking about leaving everything with the house and just starting over. I WISH.
I went to the doctor yesterday. I have been easily winded, tired, and have absolutely zero energy. I told Steve it was like running on a quarter of a tank all the time, and then when you run empty and need your reserves, there are none. Needing to work extra hard to get the house ready and some things boxed and packed up has just zapped me. And this isn't even the hard part. I've been this way for a long time though. Probably since I got pregnant with Shelby. Anyway, I went to see my doctor and she ran all kinds of tests....blood, lung, chest x-ray. She seems to think it's either thyroid or anemia. I hope she finds out. This is really not me. I have been gaining weight steadily too. She put me on Wellbutrin XL. She seems to think it will help. I hope so. I will let you know. Well, better go. It's about time for Shelby to wake up. See ya. B


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