Deb's Diary

A place where I can post pictures of "The Girls" and keep you up to date on a Kentucky Girl, deep behind the lines in "Yankee Territory".

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Who turned off the air conditioner??

I don't like it. Not one bit. When we moved here 3 years ago I was promised mild summers and nice snowy white winters. Well, the snow part has held up, but apparently someone forgot to tell Keith that they do actually have summer here. I mean, it is like 90 degrees today. And to top that off, it is only MAY!!!!! What do I have to look forward to in JULY?? Give me a break, it was snowing here last weekend. Who broke the thermostat?

So, other than being generally angry with the weather, everyone in our house is doing pretty good. Keith is on midnights right now so he pretty much sleeps during the day and walks around the house grunting for a few hours after he gets up. But hey, who can blame him? I sure could not work his schedule. The girls are doing pretty good too. Bethany has 2 more days of school left and then she will officially be a kindergartener. That makes me soooooo sad. She is growing up so fast. Just this morning, after church I was in the kitchen making her some lunch when she came marching in with her hands on her hips and said, "Mom, what do you think you are doing??" I did not know whether to spank her or laugh. Don't they have to be at least 12 to start acting like a teenager?

Sara is doing better too. She has been on a nebulizer for about 3 weeks for 'allergy induced asthma'. She was coughing so hard I thought she was going to pass out. But it seems like in the last 4 or 5 days she has actually gotten better. She has not woken up in the middle of the night cough and hacking in almost a week. But we are still seeing an Allergist on the 6th of June to try and get to the bottom of it. We are crossing our fingers that it is not the dog.

We are planning a trip to Kentucky in a couple weeks. Can't wait to see my family and friends. I think we might even make a guest appearance in Jackson while we are there. It will be good to see our old friends.

I better go. I hope to blog some more later. I have some new pictures of the girls to put on. Have a great Memorial Day. Don't forget to pray for those lost in ALL our battles.



At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I've read all kinds of things on the Cerak/VanRyn happenings (I don't know what else to call it). Hard to believe that things like that happen. Especially to people we know. Most of the time it feels like the world is so big until something like that happens and all of a sudden, we're a tiny speck in the universe again. Deb, I just can't imagine. There really are no words that I can say. It's so sad and so wonderful all at the same time. I'm torn.
On a much lighter note, Shelby brought me a bow to put in her hair a few minutes ago. After I got it in, she walked over to show Sam who immediately tried to knock it out of her head(gotta love boys). She wrinkled that little brow and said,"Oh, Sam August." She's at the perfect age right now. So innocent. So soft. So ready to be loved and held. I know it'll be gone soon. Some days, I want to have another one. Ok, strike that from the record. I did not just say that. It was a momentary lapse of judgement. Thank goodness for IUDs and Vasectomies!!! Woohoo! Can you believe I just posted that on your blog...sure you can. It's me. Nuff said. Love you! B


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