Deb's Diary

A place where I can post pictures of "The Girls" and keep you up to date on a Kentucky Girl, deep behind the lines in "Yankee Territory".

Thursday, June 08, 2006

It's a conspiracy. I am sure of it...

As I sit here and type I have come up with an idea. I am pretty sure my girls are in cahoots against me. When Bethany was still in school last week, Sara was sleeping in until I woke her up to take Bethany to the bus. That means, I got Bethany up at 6am and we woke Sara at 7:15. Well, now that school is out, Bethany sleeps in until 8 and Sara has been getting up at 6:15. What is up with that?? So I figure by the time Sara decides to start sleeping in, Bethany will become an early riser. Is there no rest for the weary?? Sara can't even talk yet, so how do they coordinate the torture??? I guess I will just trust my favorite saying, "This too shall pass." I mean, they have to move out as some point right?

This has been a pretty special week here in Gaylord. We were blessed with the news (I am sure you have all seen it on the news at some point) that our youth minister's daughter, Whitney Cerak, who was thought to have passed away after a fatal car accident on April 26th, is actually alive. It was a case of mistaken identity. I won't go into alot of details about the whole thing but our entire community is just celebrating the fact that she is still with us. Sometimes it is so hard to be SO happy when we know that another family is going through the heartbreak we all went through. Both families have very stong faith in God and are really showing everyone this story touches about their love and trust in GOD. It is such a great testimony to his love and strength.

We also had a visitor for the weekend. A friend of ours that Keith worked with in Jackson, KY came to visit us. Jim Keeney came to visit and we had a great time. We saw some sights and got to relax and visit. It was all good.

We are off to KY for the weekend. It should be alot of fun. We are going to try and get alot of visiting done while we are there. This will probably be the only trip Keith gets to take south this summer. It's going to be great but I am already dreading the drive. Does anyone own a private jet out there we could borrow??

I better go for now. There is laundry to be done and bags to be packed. Have a great weekend.



At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey BFF! I am soooo excited about getting to see you. I think I may just camp out at your dad's house so we don't lose one MINUTE of catch-up time. And you're right. That is an absolutely AWESOME pic of Sara. She looks like Bethany, but she doesn't. Ok, Mom's logic. She is definitely growing up. Remember this time last were huffing and puffing around with the big belly? Ahhh, the memories. How in the heck does the time fly by so fast? It's just not possible. Our babies are so big and grown up now. And we're so big and grown up know what I mean. Well, when I win the lottery, I'm flying you down all the time. And we'll go to Paris....and Rome...and we'll be like Brangelina and go to Africa and help all the kids...only we'll be...Breb...or Debooke...or Broodeb...maybe we'll just make up our own cool name. ; ). Call me tomorrow, Sista!!!! I'll be sitting by the phone. Love ya, B

At 11:56 PM, Blogger Jody said...

Hey there, Deb. Just stopped by. What are you guys up to this summer? Hi to you and the rest of the gang...


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