Deb's Diary

A place where I can post pictures of "The Girls" and keep you up to date on a Kentucky Girl, deep behind the lines in "Yankee Territory".

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Curse is Broken!!

Well, he finally did it. After many exhaustive years of hunting, Keith bagged his first Buck!!!! Talk about excitement in the Berger house. He had a great time hunting this year. He was gone for 10 long days and nights, but it was all worth it just to see the excitement on his face. I think I was as excited as he was. he got this nice 7 point buck in the UP. A good time was had by all and I am sure we will enjoy eating this bugger as well.

Other than Keith's hunting trip, not too much has been going on here. We went to the inlaws for Thanksgiving and had a great feast. That Mom Berger sure knows what to do with a ham and turkey. Good eats. We had a good visit and Keith and his brother had time to cut up the kill and get it ready for the freezer. Not a bad trip.

The girls are doing great. Bethany is still loving school and Sara is certainly enjoying being an only child during the day. (Mom is enjoying it too.) It gives me some good quality alone time with Sara. Speaking of Sara, she is getting ready to have her second tear duct surgery next week. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this one works. I am sure she will do fine. I will post some hospital pics for people to see next week.

We are getting ready for the holidays. Should be a great one. Hope to talk to everyone soon.



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