Deb's Diary

A place where I can post pictures of "The Girls" and keep you up to date on a Kentucky Girl, deep behind the lines in "Yankee Territory".

Saturday, April 29, 2006


I must say, I think I am a pretty good wife. Make that a pretty great wife. I went to a cooking class last night to learn how to make Keith's favorite Polish meal. Pierogies. For those of you who do not know what these are (mostly my Southern friends) they are a pasta that is stuffed with stuff like potatoes and cheese or sauerkraut. I actually do not like them, but Keith loves them. They remind him of his Grandma. So, the MSU extension office offered the class, and I took it. Keith says this is the biggest thing I have ever done for the 'betterment' of our marriage. Can we say labor and delivery?? I mean, I gave birth to 2 of his offspring. I think that is a pretty big thing. But you know how men think. Food, sports. sex. Need I say more??

Well, the good news is that Sara slept great last night. PRAISE the LORD!! I know this might not be a permanent thing, but 1 day at time is a great plan for me. I mean 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep is a gift from God. I know this for sure now. I just hope I stays good. I know better than to ask for perfect. I must say, Keith has taken shifts with her this week. He is on the 3pm-midnight shift at work so he has been taking a turn with the vampire-child. So needless to say, this has been a great week. Maybe he really does deserve homeade peirogies.

Bethany is all geeked out today. We are going to the Family Fun Fair with her best friend Abby. I can't believe she slept until 7am this morning. I expected her to get up at 5 and ask when we were leaving. She is such a great blessing. Some(read most) days she makes me want to pull my eyebrows out, but no matter what, there is always some moment every day that I have to go hide in the bathroom to laugh because of something she has said. She comes off with the funniest things. I need to start writing them down as soon as they flow from her mouth. That way I can use it against her when she has kids of her own.

I better go for now. I need to administer baths and hair pretties before our date with Abby this morning. Everything and everybody has to look perfect you know. Have a great weekend.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Yeah, I know, it's 5AM.....

Well, here I am at 5 in the morning, not asleep. Sara has been getting up between 3am and 4am and will not go back to sleep for, oh lets say, about 6 weeks now. Oh, on the rare occasion she does sleep through the night, but believe me, it is rare. At first I thought it was a growing spurt. Well now I think it is just down right annoying. She must think this is quality alone time or something. WRONG!!! So, I am open to any suggestions you guys might have for me. I have already thought about drugs, but cannot bring myself to do it. I have tried to change her nap schedule, didn't work. Tried to change her feeding schedule, did not work. Do you see a pattern here?? Apparently the only thing that does any good is traveling. When we go to someone elses house she sleeps like a rock. Maybe she is just trying to make me look good. "Oh, you have such a good baby!! She sleeps so good at night." Yeah, at your house maybe. But not at mine. Maybe she is allergic to her bed? Everytime I try and lay her down in it(when she is apparently asleep mind you) she starts kicking and squirming like a manic. I am at a loss. Please send help. I will give anyone who comes up with a 'legal' solution a weeks stay at the Berger Bed and Breakfast. (That way you can get up with her!!!!!)

So, other than me living like a zombie, I am great. Keith did do a shift with her last night. What a blessing. I am so glad he does that when he can. It is hard for him, working rotating shifts. When his sleep gets interrupted like that it throws his whole sleep schedule off. (Lack of schedule would be more like it.)

The weather has been pretty nice here lately. The snow is finally all gone!! The days have been beautiful and the evenings have been cooling off somewhat. PERFECT for us. We have been sleeping with the windows open at night. I love it. I wish it would stay like this year round. But we can only have as close to perfect as we already do. We might get 140 inches of snow a year here, but the summers are usually just right. (With the exception of last summer when I was pregnant with Sara. Hottest summer on record. What luck, huh??) It is usually very warm, 80ish, during the day, and nice and balmy at night. Just enough to have an air conditioner in the bedroom.

Well, I better go. I have a load of laundry to fold. Hey, while I am up I might as well work, right?? God bless. Hope you have a great day.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Can't let Bethany feel left out!!!

I thought maybe I should post a new pic of Bethany. This is right before her "Praise the Lord" moment at the Easter egg hunt. She is trying to play shy. Anyone who knows my child knows that this is a HUGE stretch for her!!!!


It is a funny feeling......

Do you ever get that feeling in the morning that you must have snuck downstairs and eaten about a pound of chocolate in the middle of the night but you do not remember doing it?? The only reason you suspect such a thing has happened is because your clothes that just fit you last week do not fit anymore?? That is the feeling I suspect Sara had when I gave her a bath in a dishpan in the sink a few weeks ago. She really did fit in there not too long ago. But when I put her in that night, her rolls were spilling out of the sink. Funny how time flies when they are so young. It seems like she was just born yesterday, but it seems like Bethany has been 4 all her life. Weird.

Well, today was a pretty low key day. We went to church this morning and stayed after for the children's Spring musical. It was really cute. Bethany enjoyed it a lot. One of our good friends, Mark Perrine, played a Grandfather clock in the play. I must say, he did a bang up job, both singing and "acting" but it really gave Keith a lot of fodder to tease him with for a long time to come. Our favorite line was: (Imagine a clock chime going crazy) Mark says,"I'm sorry!! My chimes bong like crazy when I get excited!!!!" Needless to say, Keith was writing it down to use later. LOVELY. But all in all, the musical was great. I cannot wait for Bethany to be able to participate. It is a program set up for 1st-7th graders.

I am in the middle of cooking dinner for Keith and I. Bethany had popcorn chicken and mac and cheese(her favorites) while Sara 'enjoyed' some vegetable beef dumpling dinner and applesauce. YUM YUM. Keith and I are having chicken slop. Before you turn up your nose, it is very good. It is actually chicken,gravy and stuffing all in one dish. Keith says you have to slop it on the plate, hence the name.

I warned you guys ahead of time that my life is pretty boring, so if you are still reading, God bless you. I hope something worth blogging about happens soon. I am really enjoying this. Talk to you soon. Have a great week.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

It's really me this time!!

Hello friend(s)!! I am pretty excited to be starting my own blog! While I might not be able to post as much as my friend Jody Ferlaak, I will try and stay with it as much as I can. I do have a few friends I think might be interested in keeping up with me, parole officers, old classmates. You know, people who care where I am and what I am doing. So here goes.....

For those of you who don't know me, I am a most of the time stay at home mom of 2 BEAUTIFUL girls. Bethany is 4 1/2 and Sara is 7 months old. I do occasionally work outside the home at the local hospital here in Gaylord. Usually 4-5 days a month. Enough for me to keep sane, that is. I have been married to my dear husband for 10 1/2 years. (Already????) I pretty much lead a normal life that is actually boring.

This past weekend we traveled to Kentucky for Easter. We have a tradition in our family (the Miracle side that is) to get together with family from Tennessee for Saturday and Sunday for Easter. That means ALOT of cooking. This was my mother's favorite event of the year. Well, my mother passed away in 2004 and we have since decided to keep up with that tradition. This means, Deb cooks for 30-40 people for 2 days. I do have help mind you. I work with a team of great helpers/doers. This includes my brothers, husband and sister-in-law. But I head everyone up. It was great this year. The weather was beautiful and all the food turned out great. The kids hunted Easter eggs and had a great time. I tell ya, Bethany comes off with the craziest things sometimes. Apparently,(I was inside when this happened) she was sitting in the grass opening her eggs and checking out her treasures. Well, she opened one egg and found money. To this she said,"OH MY!!" Well the second egg she opened contained candy. When she saw this she turned her eyes toward heaven and said, "PRAISE THE LORD!!!!" How hysterical is that?? She is so much fun!!!!

Well, I better get for now. I have a child wanting to do her "work" on the computer. (This means she wants to go to and play with Moose A Moose.) Hope to get to blog again soon. Like I said, my life can be boring at times. Try not to fall asleep and drool on your computer. May the Lord bless you with good sleep and let you rise to see a wonderful tomorrow. Talk to you soon.


Deb's Training Post

Hey Guys...Keith AND DEB here! I'm giving Deb her Blogger OJT today. Hopefully this will entice her enough to begin regular posting to this Blog.

This, Deborah, is how you put a link in yout text. Say something obvious like "Click Here" and highlight it...chose the link icon, etc. Or just highlight the text you want to be the link, yada, yada, yada.

Text features like BOLD or ITALICS are done like this.

OK...I'll get out of the way and hand the controls over to her.

K and D

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Test Part Deux!

Alright...well I was going to try to upload an image...but Blogger is running like crap right now. We really need to take our blogging and go elsewhere!

Done for the night. If I run out of patience with their GUI...It'll be a miracle if we ever get Deb to post on here!
