Deb's Diary

A place where I can post pictures of "The Girls" and keep you up to date on a Kentucky Girl, deep behind the lines in "Yankee Territory".

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Me and My Gang

Summer is in full swing at the Berger house. We just got back from KY this past Friday and oh what a trip it was!!! Bethany and Sara loved swimming at Papaws!!!! As a matter of fact, the swam pretty much everyday. We had a very good visit and I had a well deserved getaway with one of my girlfriends.
My friend Brooke and I enjoyed 2 days in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We went without husbands or kids. (We have 5 kids between the two of us.) It was awesome. The weather was great, the shopping was great, and the peace and quiet was great!! We enjoyed spending some quality girls time together and doing alot of shopping. We were even treated to the sound of ANGELS singing. If you have never had a Krispy Kreme donut you may not appreciate this next story.
We had just gotten into town, checked into our hotel and had dinner. We were just driving down the strip in Pigeon Forge and saw a Krispy Kreme store when low and behold, the "hot now" light came on. (This means they have fresh donuts coming out of the fryer.) WELL, I had no control over my car as it took us to the drive thru. We ordered a 1/2 dozen, why waste gas in the drive thru for 2 donuts?? So we got them and parked the car so I would not wreck and had one. It was so hot you could barely hold it in your mouth. They just melted. It was at that moment, we both heard a chorus of angels singing. I have never tasted anything so heavenly in all my life. I will not soon forget it.
Then on the 4th of July we all cooked out at my dad's house. We just had a great trip. It ended too soon of course. I am not sure if we will get to go back down this summer or not. Things just seem to be piling up. I am going to need a vacation from my vacation pretty soon.
We are taking a trip to Kings Island in August. We are going with our friends Don and Lori and their 2 girls. I can't wait. The kids are going to love it!!! They have Nickelodeon City there. I am sure they will all just be beside themselves.
Well, I should probably get busy. The day will get away from me if I don't try and get something accomplished before noon. Hope everyone is having a good summer.